Evaluating Explanations

This page provides a summary sheet that includes the general goal, reference papers (both mine and external) for an overview of the topic, as well as the domains explored so far. We are also interested in extending the applications of these techniques beyond their traditional domains. If you have expertise in other areas (e.g., neuroscience, gaming, or audio/speech modeling), we would be happy to explore potential extensions into those fields.

Goal: The goal of this research area is to standardize evaluation procedures for explanations. This research direction aims to create novel metrics to measure properties of interest, unify the existing ones, discover pitfalls in the current evaluation procedures, and develop novel benchmarks.

Domains: Vision.

Reference Papers:

  1. Metrics for Neuron Explanations: [(La Rosa et al., 2023)] [(Makinwa et al., 2022)]
  2. Metrics for Memory-based Explanations: [(La Rosa et al., 2022)]



  1. Conference
    Towards a fuller understanding of neurons with Clustered Compositional Explanations
    Biagio La Rosa, Leilani H. Gilpin, and Roberto Capobianco
    In Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023


  1. Conference
    Detection Accuracy for Evaluating Compositional Explanations of Units
    Sayo M. Makinwa, Biagio La Rosa, and Roberto Capobianco
    In AIxIA 2021 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2022
  2. Journal
    A self-interpretable module for deep image classification on small data
    Biagio La Rosa, Roberto Capobianco, and Daniele Nardi
    Applied Intelligence, 2022